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Backfill funnel

Backfilling trenches cleanly and professionally with a backfilling hopper

Once pipes or cables have been laid, the work on construction projects is not quite finished. Now it is a matter of backfilling the excavated trenches and ensuring that the ground is as level as possible. This applies to small trenches on private property as well as to large trenches in construction projects of companies or the state. A great help when backfilling trenches is a backfill hopper. This makes backfilling the trench particularly quick and easy.

For which tasks is a backfill hopper used?

A backfill hopper looks particularly good when constructing sports fields. Trenches often have to be cut here, for example, to lay power cables or to conceal pipes. Once this is done, however, it is often not the excavated material itself that goes back into the trench, but rather it is backfilled with another material. this way, among other things, it is ensured that the substrate is particularly smooth and even. This is especially crucial in athletic competitions to ensure equal conditions for all athletes.

In addition to sports field construction, backfill hoppers are used in cable construction. This plays a major role in telecommunications cables in particular. Such cables must be laid professionally to allow unrestricted communication. Digitization in particular depends on professional cable construction. Therefore, it is very useful to professionally backfill the trenches milled for this purpose and to use a high-quality backfill hopper for this purpose. So whether it is for sports field construction, cable construction or any other type of project, always such a funnel makes the users’ work easier.

Individual selection criteria for a backfill hopper

When selecting a backfill hopper, various models are available. These are particularly well suited for different areas of application and projects in each case. Large hoppers do very well, for example, in the construction of sports fields. There is plenty of space here, so a large device can be used. This makes backfilling particularly quick and easy. In other applications, the space available is significantly less. Here it makes sense to go for a model with smaller dimensions.

The various models are also equipped with technologies that allow the backfill hopper to be customized. The different variants have, for example, a hydraulically adjustable axle that allows individual adjustment. In addition, the backfill height can be selected individually. In this way, the hopper can be used in a large number of applications and adapted to different conditions.

Backfill hoppers can be optionally extended

When a backfill hopper is used for sports field construction, it is expected to perform quite differently than when it is used for cable construction. To meet these diverse requirements, it is possible to equip the hopper with various accessories. Among other things, backfilling augers are available for particularly professional backfilling. In the selection process, it is important to find the most suitable screws for your own hopper. Also, models can be selected with a compression wheel or a hydraulic opening mechanism. Both accessories make work easier for users and ensure maximum safety and accuracy.

Important criteria when choosing a backfill hopper

An important selection criterion for a backfill hopper is the capacity. By default, such a device usually fit 2 m³. However, models with a higher or lower capacity can be selected upon request. Likewise, it is important to pay attention to the materials for which the respective funnel is suitable. This is because occasionally a trench is backfilled with the excavated material itself, but concrete is often used in sports field construction or cable construction. The machines from Grabenmeister are characterized by particularly high quality and durability and can therefore be found on numerous construction sites and projects.

To get a better insight into the performance and capabilities of the trencher working speed, we recommend you to watch our videos on There you will find informative content and hands-on demonstrations that will show you how this machine can revolutionize your construction project. In addition to this, we invite you to visit our video channel on YouTube. There you will find more videos that provide detailed insights into the functions and use of the trencher working speed.

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